A Journey
Sometimes, I’m so focused on what I need to do that I often forget to appreciate what I’ve accomplished. Too often I take small steps towards my goal without joyfully embracing the experience of getting there. So I would like to take a moment to reflect on how far I have come, not just how much further I have to go.
Looking back, I degraded myself so much. I think I put too much absurd expectations on myself. But for the past few years, I could get the opportunity to look deeper into myself. I’ve been learning to be honest with my feelings, appreciate the small things in life, accept when things don’t go to plan, and let go of things I can’t control. I should be proud of myself for being able to come this far. For me, personal growth is something to work on but also a goal to work for.
I think it’s easy for me to lose sight of the small progress I’m making in life. So I think it’s important to recognize that all this time I’m always making efforts to move forward and keep going. Sometimes I feel like I have no sense of direction and I have no idea where life is taking me, but I think it’s normal. It’s about discovering myself and living life to the fullest.
Life is not supposed to be a competition, so I don’t have to win or do better than others. Life is not a race either, so I don’t need to run. I just need to live my own journey. I always believe that good things take time. Hence, I will always be grateful to God for giving me this path.
I know I still have a long way to go and what comes next isn’t gonna be easy, but I think it’s okay to slow down because I have my own limits. Once in a while, I need to sit back, relax, and enjoy where I am now. Despite my shortcomings, I’m blessed to be here, exactly where I told myself I wanted to be.
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